The advantage, of course, is that you can also transfer files from your phone to your PC. Again, not a whole lot, but it is noticeable.Įspecially when you transfer dozens of files from your PC to your phone. Moreover, AirDroid introduced End-to-end encryption (E2EE) on their new desktop client, so speed of actual transfer is slightly slower. The options to upload files to your Android phone are on the right. You have plenty of options on the left side of the screen these let you read your SMS, view your contacts, check your call logs and more. There are plenty of things that the AirDroid app can do, especially from the web interface. This can be changed from the Settings menu of the Portal app. Note: The music files get copied to the ‘Music’ folder of Android by default, not the Portal folder.
It is also recommended that you use your home network or a trusted WiFi network to transfer files wirelessly, till the team behind this app introduces end-to-end encryption. Even though the web interface is bare bones, it gets the job done without a hitch. Not amazingly fast, but noticeably quicker than what I’ve been getting over AirDroid 3. It doesn’t look like any end-to-end encryption is in play here, but the good news is that the speed of file transfer is fast.
Overall, both of these feel the same in their ease of use. Of course, the number of options that you see once you get to the web interface of AirDroid 3 are overwhelming, but we’ll get to that part in just a second. Launch the app, get the IP address (with the port number always being 8888) and enter it in the address bar of any browser. The scan is crazy fast, blink and you’ll miss it fast! The trouble, however, is that you have to scan the QR code every time you wish to transfer files.ĪirDroid has been around for a long time and works in a similar fashion. The user simply has to go to from any browser and complete the scan. This app requires a QR code to be scanned from your Android phone to the laptop/PC that contains the files. Once installed, both need a web interface for transferring files, which works well on Windows, Mac, or even Chromebooks. Transfer files without cables | Flickr Ease of Set Upīoth Portal and AirDroid are free on the Play Store and easy to work with. And yes, it does let you transfer files from your PC to your Android phone (not the other way around), but how does it compare to AirDroid? Let’s find out. Recently, Pushbullet announced their new app, Portal. AirDroid immediately springs to mind, with very few alternatives around. Whilst there are plenty of apps that let you back up and share files between Android devices, there are few that let you transfer files wirelessly from phones to computers (or vice-versa).